
Help Menu > Online Reporting: Certification of Final Payroll

Submitting Employer Certifications

If you have the online reporting role, when you log onto ECS you will be notified of
Pending Requests:

Click the Online Reports button or the Number itself to access the pending requests.

To access the Pending Requests simply click the link
Pending Request List on the following page:

Then select the employee whose request you would like to certify.

Please Note: Fields listed in bold are required and must be completed before clicking the Continue for Verification button.

Once all data has been added, click Continue for Verification.

The Verify Response page will be displayed. This page lets you review your data before submitting it to OPERS.


If there are changes that need to be made click the Back button to go back and make the changes.

Please Note: The form is not submitted to OPERS until the Submit to OPERS button is clicked and the Confirm Response page is displayed.

Once the form has been submitted the Confirm Response page will be displayed.

If you want a paper copy of the submitted form, click the Print button.

By clicking the Done button you will return to the main menu.

Please Note: Employers can view submitted certifications of Final Payrolls for a period of two years.

Invalidating Submitted Employer Certifications

If you would like to invalidate a submitted Certification click the Online Reports button on the main menu.

To access the Submitted requests click the link Submitted Request List on the following page:


A list of the submitted Certifications will be displayed.

To invalidate a certification simply click the invalidate button on the page. You will then get a pop-up box asking if you’re sure you want to invalidate the form.


Please Note: By clicking the ok button on this pop-up you will invalidate the form and re-add it to the pending requests.

Searching for Submitted Certifications

To search for submitted Certifications click on the Search button on the Pending Request List page.

Then select the employer code from the drop down.


Please Note: You can search by only selecting the employer code from the drop down or you can also fill in other information to narrow down the search.

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