
Help Menu > Online Reporting: Service Purchase Data Entry

To prepare a report and submit it using the data entry method, click the Online Reports button and then the Service Purchase tab. Click the Data Entry Service Purchase link to begin the report. Note: When creating a data entry report, the current and next steps will display at the top of each page, to guide you through the reporting process.

If you have outstanding Service Purchase reports, ECS will display them at the top of the page. These reports should be submitted first to ensure accurate reporting.

If no reports are outstanding, choose the employer code for which you are reporting from the drop-down menu. ECS will pre-fill the pay period end date (PPE) for the current reporting period. Please note: if this is not the correct report period end date you must change it on this page. This is normally the last day of the month for which you are reporting. As in your previous reporting method, you must submit a report for each employer code.

Choose Employer Code

Click the Continue button to display the Service Purchase Date Entry: Enter Information page will be displayed.

The main body of the report contains 6 columns of information:

  • Name has employee names, listed in alphabetical order, last name first. You may click a name to modify certain employee information.
  • SSN is the employee's Social Security number.
  • On Temporary Leave indicates whether the employer is temporarily inactive.
  • Expected Amount is the amount the employee has selected to pay each month.
  • Deduction Amount is the amount that has been withheld.
  • Deduction End Code is used to explain why there is a difference between the amount submitted and the expected amount.

Much of the information on the report is pre-filled, based upon information you entered on the preceding pages or data maintained by OPERS. On this page, you'll primarily be concerned with entering information in the Deduction Amount column. You may use the tab key to move down this column for faster data entry.

Different Rules apply to Service Purchase by Payroll Deduction under pre-tax and after tax deductions. Pre-tax deductions must match the expected dollar amount unless a deduction end code is used. Post-tax deductions can change each month. Data for all employees must be completed.

Click Submit Report for Verification when you have finished completing all fields on all pages of the report.

On the Verify Report page, you'll see a summary of the information you entered on the main report page. Please verify all information is correct,. Once you've reviewed the information, click the Submit to OPERS button to complete the process.

After you click Submit to OPERS, the Confirm Report page is displayed:

If you are registered for Online Payments and you are a designated Online Payments user, you'll have the option to schedule a payment for this report immediately, by clicking the Schedule Payment button.

Click Done to return to the Main Menu.

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