
Help Menu > Online Forms: Student Exemption Form

After clicking Student Exemption Form, the Enter Data screen will appear:

To enter data for more than one person, click the Add Employee button after entering each employee's record information.

Please Note: Fields listed in bold are required and must be completed before clicking the Add Employee button. Also, because ECS ensures entered data is formatted correctly, you may receive pop-up warnings if entries are not formatted as expected. You'll need to correct the formatting before moving forward with the form.

Also Note: There is no Save button. You cannot come back to these forms as saved items and continue submitting them.

Once the data is entered it must be submitted by clicking Continue for Verification and then Submit to OPERS, after verifying that all information entered is correct.

If any information is incorrect select Back to Form, then click on the name of the employee with incorrect information to make any needed changes. There you can make a change and click the Change button, or Delete the person if he/she was entered in error by clicking the Delete button, or if you selected this person to make changes to in error click the Cancel button to take you back to the submitted list to choose the correct person for changes.

Once you have made any necessary changes and/or verified the data is accurate, click Submit to OPERS.

Please Note: The form is not submitted to OPERS until the Submit to OPERS button is clicked and the Submitted Form page is displayed.

If you want a paper copy of the submitted form, the Submitted Form page gives you two options for printing the form: as a list, or by individual employee.

Please Note: Forms submitted online remain accessible under the topic Search then subtopic View Student Exemption List, regardless of when submitted.

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