
Help Menu > Message Center: Creating and Sending Messages

To create a message, click the Create Message button on the Inbox page.

create a message

The Create New Message page will appear. Select a message category from the drop-down menu, and then type in the message subject and the message.

create a message page

If you want to clear the message you've entered click the Clear Message button. If you click the Cancel button, you will return to the "Inbox" page and your message will not be saved or submitted to OPERS.

Click Send to transmit your message to OPERS.

You may also view messages sent to OPERS by you or other users at your employer entity by clicking the Sent Messages button.

The Sent Messages page will appear. The messages will be sorted in descending order by the message date.

sent message list

To view the text of the sent message, click the message subject.

If you want to send OPERS additional information regarding this message, click the Reply button, and follow the normal reply procedure.

Clicking Return to Sent Messages will return you to the Sent Messages page.

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