
Help Menu > Non-Contributing Lists, File Transfer

Files transferred via ECS should follow the OPERS file format. If you previously reported in a non-electronic method, you'll have to take some steps to ensure you are submitting your data in the correct format.

Record Sequence
For each employer (unique OPERS employer code) appearing in a file, a set of records consisting of one or more employee records, followed by an employer summary record is required.

Record Formats
Each item of data is identified as being either optional or required. Required data must be in the prescribed format, or it is considered an error. Optional data will either: a) not be used by OPERS (for example, the User Area in the Detail Record) or b) used only if it passes the editing requirements indicated (for example, the Status is a valid option). All numeric data is in the display (unpacked) format, unsigned, with no embedded decimal points or commas.


01 01 Alpha 1 R Record Type = "N" for Non-contributing List
02 07 Num 6 R OPERS Employer Code Format = XXXXYY, where:
XXXX = Four digit OPERS employer code
YY = Two digit OPERS suffix code
08 08 Alpha 1 R Status:
"S" - Student Exemption
"I" - Independent Contractor
"X" - Excluded by 145.012
"E" - Elected Official
"N" - No Earnable Salary
09 17 Num 9 R Social Security Number or FEIN
(No embedded dashes)
18 43 Alpha 26 R

Employee Name
Omit space and apostrophe in last name.

Example: McNeal would appear as MCNEAL. O'Neal would appear as ONEAL. Sequence of name will be: last name, first name, middle name or initial. A comma may be inserted between last name and first name. For example, the name John J. McNeal Jr. can appear as: MCNEAL JOHN J JR or MCNEAL, JOHN J JR or MCNEAL, JOHN J, JR

44 52 Num 9 O

Gross earnings during Calendar Year
Dollars and cents, nine characters with leading zeros
no decimals. EX: Earnings 1,251.63 would appear as 000125163
and no decimals. EX: Earnings 1,251.63 would
appear as 000125163

53 60 Num 8 R

Begin date of period of service
Format = MMDDYYYY, where:
MM = 2 position month
DD = 2 position day
YY = 4 position year

61 68 Num 8 R

End date of period of service
Format = MMDDYYYY, where:
MM = 2 position month
DD = 2 position day
YY = 4 position year

69 100 Alpha 32 R

Position Title
First 32 characters of position title.


1 1 Alpha 1 R Record Type = "T"
2 7 Num 6 R OPERS Parent Employer Code
Format = XXXXYY, where:
XXXX = Four digit OPERS employer code
YY = Two digit OPERS suffix code
8 11 Num 4 R Calendar Year
Format = YYYY where:
YYYY = 4 position year year
12 37 Alpha 26 R Employer Name
Abbreviated employer name, left justified
38 43 Num 6 R

Record count:
Number of employee records on this payroll with leading zeros. EX: 127 employees would appear as 000127

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