To prepare a report and submit it online, click the Online Reports button and then the Denied Salary link. If you have outstanding Denied Salary reports, ECS will display them at the top of the page. These reports should be submitted in date order: earliest reporting period end date to the most recent. to ensure accurate reporting. Click the Create This Report button to display the Denied Salary Employee Details page will be displayed. The main body of the report contains 9 columns of information:
Much of the information on the report is pre-filled, based upon information you entered on the preceding pages or data maintained by OPERS. On this page, you'll primarily be concerned with entering information in the Removal Reason column. Click Submit Report for Verification when you have finished completing all fields on all pages of the report. On the Verify Report page, you'll see a summary of the information. Please verify all information is correct,. Once you've reviewed the information, click the Submit to OPERS button to complete the process. After you click Submit to OPERS, the Submitted Report page is displayed: If you are registered for Online Payments and you are a designated Online Payments user, you'll have the option to schedule a payment for this report immediately, by clicking the Schedule Payment button. Click Done to return to the Main Menu. |